It's saturday night! yay.
This sounds wrong, but im having a vodka and coke drinking comp. with some friends.
I shall win.
i won last time xD
i downed 9 vodka and coke's in 5 min's. that's how amazing i am :P
If your stuck at home,
what are you doing on stardoll?
- Shopping
- Decorating
- Partying
- General dress up's.
Anyway, wahtever you're doing this saturday, maybe practicing without electricty for 60 mins ready for tommorow night?
I'm sorry. But i dont participate in earth hour.
I don't believe in any of it.
My family is well against global shit.
I went out and did some photography today.
when i got home, i thought this looked pretty cool.
My hands and head etc. look like they are lighting up.
and you can see my purple and teal striped nails- Rofl.
Much Love , Cotty.
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