Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Fierce Magazine
The graphics are amazing, and it has come along way from the 1st issue :)
Check it out !!!!
Monday, 29 March 2010
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Newbanner & Image FYi ;)
Haaaai. the background and text is sexxxxxxy.
y'know, i dont have photoshop.
making banner's isn't so easy for me :(
never mind.
least the blog look's good.
By the way.
Blogger is having problem's with image's displaying them and uplading them,
So no, theres nothing wrong with your computer, or our blog.
it's a problem blogger's having.
with all blog's, :)
LE Coming soon.
As we can see, LE is closed for renivation.
The new collection is out in the spoilers, you can check them out at
the stardoll freakshow - blog.
There's some really nuff stuff, which i will certainly buy.
I have enough money for about 8 item's, But il problies only buy 2, since stardoll hardly intrests me much anymore.
Are you buying LE?
Do you like the new collection?
(clearly it will be released on sunday or monday) ;)
Saturday Stardoll Fever?
It's saturday night! yay.
This sounds wrong, but im having a vodka and coke drinking comp. with some friends.
I shall win.
i won last time xD
i downed 9 vodka and coke's in 5 min's. that's how amazing i am :P
If your stuck at home,
what are you doing on stardoll?
- Shopping
- Decorating
- Partying
- General dress up's.
Anyway, wahtever you're doing this saturday, maybe practicing without electricty for 60 mins ready for tommorow night?
I'm sorry. But i dont participate in earth hour.
I don't believe in any of it.
My family is well against global shit.
I went out and did some photography today.
when i got home, i thought this looked pretty cool.
My hands and head etc. look like they are lighting up.
and you can see my purple and teal striped nails- Rofl.
Much Love , Cotty.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Scairly long time-
Hey, it's been a scarily long time since i last posted, basically, cause:
No news
Im a lazy person
Internet was off sometimes
News today-
New LE is coming soon, so make sure you're purse is stocked up!
Hotbuys bazzar cover winner has been chosen!
New goth item's are in the mini shop, (this will be stardoll's new theme)
The Spring 2010 hotbuy's doll has been released!
the studded hot buy's hair band has been released.
So, there's the 5 post's i missed in one (:
There has been 'stellieto' magazine realeased, but, to be honest,
it's, quite, 'dont start making a magazine yet, your graphics aren't quite good enough'..
il give the block i'ts monthly makeover,
and il make a fresh active start for april! :) SPRING TIME!
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Lipstick Magazine
Sorry for not posting in awhile!
My laptop was broke and the internet would'nt work on the house computer!
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Spotlight Styled Outfits
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Sudden Discovery
I'm not sure if anyone else has already realised this but,
stardoll don't sell code's no more..
This is going to cause trouble with bidding, trading and selling.
DKNY, rare's, hotbuys, antitiode, LE, real MK, etc etc etc.
Usually people buy dkny and all the stuff listed above for like 2 code's, etc.
But, stardoll have stopped selling code's so,
does this mean people are going to have to stop selling there special item's?
are people going to be really desbrate and stupid
If a person wants to buy a dkny, or rare. etc etc.
they will have to buy them selfs like two to even five lot's of superstar.
this will come to like 500 stardollars.
So, this means spending 8 pound in real life PLUS 50o stardollar's on stardoll.
people who are selling the item
will have to give the buyer
their password
the buyer will have to buy the superstar while logged onto the sellers account
then log out
the seller will put the item up for sale
and the buyer buy's it.
but this will not happen, because they will not give out there password.
especially if there superstar.
this will cause greed & trouble in the stardoll buy & trade world!
people will start being NICE ( i doubt this )
and sell DKNY for like 100 stardollars (the highest you can now sell itme's for in starbaazar)
Either be: greedy & stupid, Nice, or do not sell anymore.
3 options.
the first one,
is so harsh and stupid
it's un-real
nobody would do that.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
China attack at Stardoll
This is the new hotbuy dress;
i would buy it if it wasn't a chinese style dress-
i love the pattern- texture etc. But the shape of the dress i really dislike.
That's the last of the February hotbuy's- yay. So the march hotbuy's shall be out shortly :)
- There is a new hanna montana free gift
- There is a new antm dress (go to the cinema to get it)
- There is a new antidote coming out soon (rumours..)
- Bye.