(this is my first story on the blog. which i said i would start to write, so this is part one... enjoy it!)
I hated this corridor, my whole high school life, this corridor was the worst place for me to be. You walked down, there were the bimbos fliriting, the chavers smoking, and the geeks being...well, geeky. Then, you have me and my best friend.
We are quiet, and shy.. never been included in any cliques, we just stick together.
Today was the first day back after summer, unfortunetly, the only way to get to my class, was to walk down this corridor. I have so many BAD memories, and times here.
My best friend... Leo, she was pretty lucky, nothing bad happened to her. Just me.
She also had great style. She always looked so nice.. i just looked what the bimbos call 'loser' ish. They feel so proud, those bimbos, carrying there chanel bags and there big high heels.
Anyway, back to corridor memoires. The first accident i ever had in this dreaded corridor was the clear bag drop.
Everyone still talks about it at school, which makes it even worse to deal with. What happened was: i was walking along this , corridor, and i had a new bag, totally loved it. it was see through purple one. But, the zipper snapped through the day, and when i was trying to figure out how to fix it, i tripped over in the corridor.
The most, embarassing thing.. was the only thing that fell out the bag. Why couldn't it of been, like a pencil? Instead of...
A box of tampax! Cringe!
Leo, helped me up. Everyone was laughing and pointing at me... it was awful! The worst and most cringe worthy thing, ever happened to me!
i fell to the ground face flat to! leo pushed everything back in the bag, and i got up. As we walked out the corridor, everyone was pointing and calling me "whoops you dropped something!" ... thats what everyone called me since that accident!Now, you see.. why i hate this corridor so much!...
Also, another accident in this corridor.
i came to school, with a new bra on, that felt really slack.. i kept keeping hold of it..!
A boy must of over heard me telling Leo, that it was loose.
I was walking down the corridor, feeling.. so.. fat.
That boy... undid the zipper down my tee shirt, and my tee shirt landed on the floor.
i was left standing in my bra! in the middle of the corridor, in front of almost EVERYONE!
i started to cry, leo wrapped my top around me, and we ran, out, to tell the head.
the boy got detention, but i got a new nickname, which was "BIG BRA!"
If anyone in this world is unlyckyer than me, they must like die everyday or something.Im classed as a loser, and a victim now. I always stay away from crowds, and mean people. I dont want anything to happen to me ever again.
Anyway, today was the first day back after summer break.
Me and leo came to school, feeling happy and exited to be back to lessons and fun.
As we were walking down the corridor Leo noticed a sign on the wall.
"Look mary, Look!" She shouted, and tapped my shoulder.
it was a notice it said clearly...
Leo winked at me, "We could totally go, and have some fun!" she shouted.
I hated partys. I could not dance.
"I have nothing to wear!" I shouted back.
Leo winked again... "Dont worry, i do!"
leo, was a great designer, and had thousands of dresses of her own.
the school day went by quickly. By 3 o' clock, we were at Leo's house, in her room, trying on her hundereds of dresses from her collection.
She finally, deicded on one for both of us. After sevral hours of dancing, trying stuff on, and taking pictures in diffrent dresses.
I had a sparkling diffrent coloured purple number. Leo had picked a dark, sassy and elegant frock. Which totally suited her.
"Leo, are you sure i can wear your dress to a party?" i asked, worried.
She giggled, "course! and your defo coming, right?" she asked.
"yeah, right" i replied, still not 100% i really was coming, but i didnt want to let Leo down after her hard work, and her big efforts, to make my wonderfull dress.
I stepped out of my dress, and she give it to me in a box.
I drove home, it was raining, again... Our place is famous for its rain!
i got home and hung up my dress. Admiring it, again.
I started to study for the test, not being able to take my mind, on this desicon for the dance.
i didnt have a date.. to go with! what am i going to do?
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Just My Luck ' Story (Short and sweet story) Chapter 1
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