Tuesday, 8 September 2009

New Hotbuys Dress And It's Own Lil Glitch.

Hey Ya'll (No, Im english xD) First day of high school was good 'n' bad, had its ups and its downs :) Typical first day i suppose?
Anyway. usually, logged onto today, and visited starplaza :)
New hotbuys dress was first thing that was in sight 0.o
Didnt like it! :(
It's a 'superstar' price. And, it has its glitch, as per usual!
Im certain stardoll copyrighted or trade marked glitches xD
Here's what it looks like:
The glitch: on top of the tag it says '30 million members'
problem 1: it was 30 million members ages, ago and we nearly have 40 million
problem 2: If it was a "40" "30" million members item it would be free :(

I will not be buying this dress. I dont like the colours at all :(
I have another black and pink one idsacly the same, but with black and pink stripes

But, buy it if you wish :D

Love, Kortni x