Anyway, today my superstar membership ended :(
And i logged on... only too see i lost the four rooms i was lucky too get when i got the superstar!
Omg, you used to get ALL of the rooms when you turned superstar!
So, it ment i had to squash all the stuff i had in 4 rooms, into just 1 room-
How selfish is stardoll?..... Very!
And now i have lots of bed's and good stuff still sitting in my storage!
my suite looks utterly crap and cluttered thanks so much to selfish stardoll....for that Im so sad and mad at stardoll, and if i become superstar again, i wont decorate rooms, beacuse i know i will loose it all when it comes to an end of a month!
I even lost the 2 interioer i spent about 35 stardollers on, oh my gosh; i might stop playing stardoll one day, when it becomes selfisher than it already is, oh sorry you cant get any more selfih than it already is!
i totally think stardoll should improove the way the system works!
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