Thanks to abbie i have nothing to post about ;) Well, it save's me a job. But i thought i should at least i am checking the blog- and show up and post something.
Well i said something, i didnt say stardoll ;D
Sunday, 28 February 2010
The Crack
Sparkle Awards
Jenna had the lil'party in the chatbox.and it kind of went out of control :D
But over all the awards were really good,here's the winners :)
Best Female Medoll-Avril14140
Best Style Icon-N1mka4eva
Best Male Medoll--CoolDude
Best Suite-SakuraDream
Best Album-Twins18
Best Scenery-Mooooon
Best Designer-Joanne1305
Best Graphic Artist-John2_el_Major
Best Stardoll Persona-writemarycat
And Now.....Drumroll Please!....The Sparkle Award goes to....
Click Here to go to Stardolls Most Wanted to check the voting :)
Saturday, 27 February 2010
McQueen Doll
Friday, 26 February 2010
Clifhanger On Eternity
This is the amazing new eternity cover.
One page per- day will be released.
So sadly, a slow release.
I hate it, because i want to see if the rest of the magazine
is as amazing as the front cover!
I love the theme & the graphics.
Problies my favourite stardoll magazine cover in every magazine i have seen on stardoll.
Im mostly loving the bow in the cover girl's hair.
what do you think?
is releasing each page 1 at a time 1 day.. a good idea?
it keep's us on a hype . but its very annoying.
Wedding Dress Fettish- Blurgh Dress.

i just loved it so much that i had to share it on the blog.
and it matches with my chalk white skin :')
I really liked it. It was 30$ from tammy.
not very cheap, but i quite fetti'ed over it.
my nana bought me it; as she buy's me everything i want!
Thursday, 25 February 2010
March Hotbuys
First I'd just like to say thanks to Nutters for the big intro ;)
I'm Abbie and I'm going to be the "New" writer for this blog,you'll see plenty more posts from me!,but for my first post I would like to introduce you to the NEW! Hotbuys.....
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Please, give a warm welcome to our new writer;
Im sure the rest of the stardoll catch up team will appreciate her efforts in the blog.
Im looking forward to reading how she post's & what she can post on.
We are just waiting for her to confirm her invite & she will be posting away. So, im very excited!
Long time no type.
Sorry it's been so long since i posted. I haven't been on stardoll for like 4 month.
i have still been checking the blog though & talking to nutters. I just happened to have a lot of trouble.. (like alway's with my family & life & friends)
First, the i-mac started going weird. So, y' know we had to take it away to be repaired. that took 3 week's.
Then, it was working fine. But when it came to remembering passwords (since everything had been wiped off).. well i could not remember any password's.
So, now nutters is letting me use her blogger account, since i can't remember any of my password's. Luckily i had stardoll's wrote down. But stardoll is boring (as everyone say's..)
So, im back now and shall be posting a lot more often.
i have not said welcome to the new writers yet. so;
welcome 44nicole44-
welcome new writer ... (nutters will reveal later who the new writer is..)
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Nothing to do with Stardoll- But it made me laugh.
You're Presentation Fail's.
I was looking at freaky people's stardoll's. But when i saw this girl's presentation- i just could'nt stop laughing... please read it.
she is sad.
It' fail's.
And it's Lulzzy >.<
she like's to talk about periods' on stardoll..
she is a bit- coo- coo if you ask me! :D
She has a pet rock! xD
ughh.. if i find another presentation that's funny- or funnier i will post it xD
Saturday, 20 February 2010
You Can't Beat A Guy Dressed As A Fairy ;D
Friday, 19 February 2010
Want A Ride?
Stardoll Circus;
we are watching out for you...
don't get caugh out by the..
stardoll circus
Cat fights, party night's and exclusive right's.
what's going on; elites & hack's... story's that change,
if you're a boy or girl.
myspace or url.
Watch out;
you don't want to be caught..
or you'l be taken back to..
Stardoll circus.
Last Chance!
This is your last week to buy from the Stuff By Hillary Duff store! I was never a fan of that store.
i think only bought the cream and black spotty top on the left. And the pink and silver vest on the right;
If you're a superstar it's a chance to get 50% off.
apparantly their collectibles' so think on they might be worth something in 2011 , 2o12? (that's if the world hasn't ended in 2012)
So, if you're a fan of Hillary or you have a sweet tooth for girly; child clothe's get down to the starplaza now!
New writer needed?
So, since im starting fresh; new banner new layout.
i need a new writer.
please comment or go to my guestbook by clicking here
leave you're name- and if you have any experience..
- Be able to print screen
- you musn't talk like this: hii x yh x kk xoxo lol x and use shortened phrase's
- Post at a minimum of 4 time's a week.
- That's all the requirements/rule's.
so, go to my guestbook now (click here) and tell me why & if you would be a writer!
- That's all the requirements/rule's.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
New Banner x
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Mosky Magazine Return

Stardoll Wears PRADA!

The Other Writer's Must Of Died?
after all the post's that are un-stardoll related; i thought i better do some stardoll work.
Yes, so you might be thinking "why is kortni/nutters the only one that write's on this blog when theres 3 other writers?"
To be honest; i dont know.
it's either i post to much (which i problies dont)
or they dont post at all..
which is the most likely case ;)
but anyway i enjoy doing it.
sam, sarah & nicole..
SHOULD post soon?
(this still wasn't stardoll realted... i fail ¬¬ )
Lady Gaga Ft. Alexander Mcqueen New Song 2010 - DISCO
Click the link above or copy and paste it to check out her new song ;)
Featuring Alexander.Mcqueen
Like her new song ;) ?
Alexander Mcqueen & Lady Gaga & The Rape-able Statue ;)
Im quite aware this is a bit late but; i didn't really feel for him until Lady GaGa was at the Brit's last night; grabbing 3 Brit awards! the most of everybody there :O on the stage next to her wonderfull performence; was this statue;
she is wearing those ^ famous alexander mcqueen shoes ;)
i really want to rape this statue.
god help whoever made it. I loved it! the shoe's are amazing; and so is this statue.
mcqueen & well done gaga ;)
on and well done to the statue making Guy :D
And the performence that Lady gaga did on the brit awards last night (2010)
she said
"this is in memorey for alexander mcqueen"
then everyone gave a huge cheer!
The performence was great; and once again she was "Un"dressed
like a
if you go on youtube and type in "lady gaga at the brits 2010" there should be video's of her performence & you can see the statue, what she said about alex. & the collecting of her THREE award's!
That twas' her amazing performence at the brit's.
before winning all of her awards
(and of course you see the amazing statue and the mcqueen shoes ;))