This is the real life version of the new stardoll hotbuy dress. Very simlar, just cream instead of hot pink- bubble part.
Sorry, if the white text on it distracts you- but nutters told me to begin to put copyright on our images. so, no blogs can copy them. take the work for it, and not say they got it here.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Its Real
New Lazzzzzy Banner
As Usual, im very lazzzzy, and i made my banner out of me very, very, very, very old banner!
it was made in like March. It's too girly... yuck :P But, its still a great graphic :D
Halmonkey3, im waiting for my new banner, im messaging her a lot :(
Any other GOOD banner makers reading this? Message me, or leave a comment :)
(Must be as good or better than the one above)
New Hotbuy Dress
It's a average stardoll seflish price of 8. The store; Evil panda. And as per usual. Superstar only....Ah!
I bought it, how about you?
gotta go, and be peed off with homework- Chow!
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Any Good?
Friday, 25 September 2009
New Hotbuy Shoes
Please Vote My New Scenerie-
• Changed The Legs
• Changed Both Of The Arms
So, Please Vote For It 5/5 :) I Worked Very Hard On It, For About 15 Minuites-
That Don't Seem Long, But Its Long When Your Working For The Prize.
I Have 4 Other Sceneries With Diffrent Poses-
But This One Is Best. Beacause I Didnt Leave 1 Thing How It Was.
Thankies :*
New Look
Ok. Im Sorry, I Changed It Again. But- The Other one, Made Things Very Hard For Us Writers. It Ment Instead Of Coming To the blog to post we have to go to blogger, sign in and do it that way. It's very annoying. So, really- it's for the writers benifits
But i hope you all enjoy it anyway :)
I Promise this layout will stay for more than 2 weeks. Like that last one, Lol.
P.S- Miss Sixty Is Back..Im Too Lazzzzy to post on it ;)
It's VERY expensive!
October Hotbuys
WOW! I Love Octobers Hotbuys. They are In The Magazine Now. This Must Mean There Only 1 September Hotbuy Left To Come Out :O Wow, September Has Gone Over Fast!!
Okay, So. Out of All The Items. The Dress Is The Thing That Stands Out From The Other Things Most.
The Pink shoulder bag, in the top left corner. That's very "chanel" LOL
Im Liking the necklace too :)
Im Exited for them. You?
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
HB Miami Tee
Eventually, we get a new September hotbuy. It's one of the last i think. I reckon theres about three more. Then we get octobers. And i suppose, stardoll will do their whole halloween theme once more again...yawn!
In the shop- yehaa, theres a glitch. It doesnt say hotbuys- But dont worry, it IS hotbuys.
It's 8 Stardollars. Hmm, Average price i suppose?
Fudge is the place to check out for this item :)
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
I Was In Her Hour Of Need.
Yes. I am Nutters (kortnis) mam. Yeah. It's true.
She was 100% blabbing on about her stardoll "website" so. I got mad.
She went in a mood. And i said "well, i have a stardoll. can i do it? i always wanted to be on a website!!"
She said "ohh yes, who!"
She must of forgotten all about her poor mam.
Yes. so this gives me an excuse to start using my stardoll acounnt agian. This website.
She made my "banner" as she calls it. I dont have a clue!!!
I hope you like my news and stuff that i do on the website :)
I dont know how much i will come on it, because i always on facebook a lot of the time,
but. i dunno. depends how it works alll out.
if kortni finds a new writer she is "sacking" me,,,haha- so immature!!!
Im trying to annoy her in this post!!! she hates me putting lots of exlamation marks!!!
So, sorry!!! not!
My Turn For Style's
Okay. So nutters (kortni) began these real life style things. She uses them from polyvore.
Me is gonna try and use my pathetic paint skills to create like something a little diffrent and clear, i hope.
Im making it as i type. So it might look a bit shit and rushed.
Personally, im not a fashion freak.
Basiclly in any, any, any day i would wear like: jeans. pumps or ugg boots. A T-shirt. and a long cardigan, or a cropt cravat or something cool xD
I like to wear hairbands a lot. I mainly have my hair, in plaits. or curled (with curlers)
What about you? :)
So, here is my chart on what's in fashion, and what you should have in your wardrobe:I will not be offended with negative comments like: 'Thats rubbish!'
I Know, it's rubbish. Not my fault im bad with space and shape and paint and shit.
But, hey. theres 3 things there. so stuff images.
My New Things :]
First of all. I love our new layout. A made my self a new banner because i developed a love for cherryade, so when i saw that i was like "Oooh, why dont i do a banner!?xD"
And, nutters said: (this is copy and pasted from a stardoll message)
Keep it plain and simp's. Not much detail. Somthing Minamil. Umm, Black & Purple. Blue.
So, that's what i kinda sticked to on this new banner.
Our new main banner, nutters said to me also:
I wanna new header. We have not had one for a long time"
So, i suprised her. It's the first time that I have made our main banner.
Nutters said its what she had in mind :D I was pleased that. So, me was too.
I hope you like xD
Umm, oh yeah...and sorry for not doing post in 3 days, that cuz Saturday i was at my uncles 40th birthday party. then sunday, i was just out with mam for the day.
Monday, was school and i had 2 peices of long, hard homework.
Hopefully i wont get as much after some time there, after grading :D
Just Bought Another Piece Of L Shit- That No Body is Interested In E
Monday, 21 September 2009
LE Is Out :D
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Stardoll Admin Message
New banner, I made the bra top from the diomand dog collars. Do you like? I neeeded a new one because i changed my medoll since my last banner.
Anyway, if you check out your message inbox everyone i think might or might not of seen this message. Well, if you want any of these stunning (only superstar, and expensive) items, then it's the 20th today. LAST CHANCE TO BUY THESE BEAUTIFUL ITEMS FOR 2010
I have a feeling they will be classed as rares, or something- in the future, they will be like 2007 DKNY. So, buy some. You could make double the money in the future!
Personally, i love both of them. Unfortunetly...i am superstar but i don't have enough cash.
My dad says that "you spend money, before you get it" I think that was it, or it might of been as soon as it comes to me. I dunno, something like that phrase.
The dresses are nicer than the shoes, but i think the shoes are cheaper.
What you waiting for? go get these glamorous 2010 outfits!
i remember my dad's phrase "You spend money faster than you get it"
2000 Hit's +
Saturday, 19 September 2009
It Was Good While It lasted...
Nicky_r is the SECOND writer to leave this blog...first pink bubble 123 then her.
But you know what they are... QUITTERS!
Thursday, 17 September 2009
New NotHot Buy Released
Well, i dont know what to say. Personally...I, hate this coat. It looks cheap & nasty.
Yet, other people love it. I couldn't write a review. Because i think one thing; nasty.
Other people, are rocking outfits with it though, so well done. here is it's apperance and tag!
Im sorry about half of my body in the background-
the coat was so fat, it was too big to fit in the changing room.
Store: Rio
Gender: Female
Price: 15 stardollars (( RIP OFF ))
Gene: Superstar
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
40 Million members
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
New Hotbuys Scarf
This is the new september hotbuys scarf. Its the middle of September, so, theres like 4 or 5 more to come!
this scarf is:
store: fudge
superstar only, not suprised!
Its a nice thing. i would buy it, if i was loaded with money.
Which im not. i have 3 hundered and sitxty seven
But hey, go buy it, its nice :D
Sunday, 13 September 2009
It's Bugging Me, So Im Just Gonna Keep You Happy!
Lots of people/members/friends on stardoll have been bugging me the last few day's saying stuff like;
"Can you show me a pic of you?" And stuff like that. It's bugging me (no offence) So im going to show you one.
You might wanna look away, i might smash your eye's or your hair might fall out if you look at how ugly i am xDThere you go, Happy now? Hope so!
Did i manage to smash your screen or not, comment !
ONE thing i do like about my self; Im chalk white :) It makes me more CULLENED xD
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Updates & Coming Soon
This Is One of Them Very Usefull Posts. It Tell's You What's Coming Soon, What To Expect, Whats New And What's Currently Up And Running. So, Please Continue To Read...
And Much More Wonderfull prizes!
It's 100% worth doing!
You can find the blog by clicking here
There, you can find the new's on it, where the latest one is, what the prizes are, and who is particapating!
Im hoping for it to be the next BIG thing!
Stardoll Catch Up Mini Comps
We Have Started Doing Book And Film Reviews On The Blog Too! Im Doing Next:
Twilight book and movie
Samdreamer did first: St.Trinnians (Her Fav Movie I Suppose)
I Started Doing Real Life Stylebooks, for everyones diffrent styles and cliques
(diffrent styles and groups everyweek!)
And of course, all 3 of us do stardoll stylebooks.
We show you diffrent outfits for your medoll, for diffrent events, and cliques.
We have Briefly done medoll makeovers on random members,
We will all do that much more often.
New Layout & Banner To Match- Converses
Okay so yeah, i got new background, new hit counter, new tunes :)
Changed the colours and stuff etc.
Like it love it? I Don't care, i made it, it my blog xD
I hope you like it though. Luckily, Sam's Kind Of Already Matches :D
Happy stardolling :D
You cant see the whole shoe, because of my Skinnies...